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Director of Behavioral Health Points to Technology as a Tool in the Fight Against the Opioid and Behavioral Health Crisis

Courtney Rowling

Courtney Rowling, MD, Director of Behavioral Health for the Health Care District of Palm Beach County’s C. L. Brumback Primary Care Clinics, was a featured speaker at the National Association of Community Health Centers’ annual conference in Orlando this summer.  Dr. Rowling, a board-certified psychiatrist with extensive experience in addiction psychiatry, discussed the Brumback Clinics’ innovative outpatient Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Program for clinic patients with substance abuse disorders.  The maintenance therapy program combines the administration of FDA-approved medication along with behavioral health services, peer counseling and other social support services to help restore patients’ overall health and lives.

Dr. Rowling also shared how telehealth and telepsychiatry are cost-effective tools to increase access to care and address the needs of patients with substance abuse disorders.  The NACHC Community Health Institute (CHI) and Expo brings together health center clinicians, executives, consumer board members, along with State/Regional Primary Care Associations and Health Center Controlled Networks.

Courtney Rowling presenting at NACHC Expo
