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Jenny Fernandez-Feria

Director of Nursing, C. L. Brumback Primary Care Clinics

Jenny Employee Art

Jenny Fernandez-Feria discovered her passion for drawing when she was a child. She has experimented with various types of art including decoration and photography, but realized her favorite technique was replicating photos of objects, animals and landscapes with charcoal pencils.

For Jenny, her creativity through drawing is an escape to express herself and relieve stress. She enjoys looking for the perfect photograph for inspiration. When she finds it, she grabs her pencils and drawing book and reflects on every streak and shadow. She focuses on each precise detail, so her final artwork expresses her unique point of view. She has honed her skills over the years, but according to her, not all of her work has been “gallery worthy”.

“I created countless drawings until I achieved better results. Some of them were so funny when they were finished, and others looked so different than the original. My best judges are my daughter and family members, and I can easily see their reactions in their faces. I immediately known if my work was a complete disaster, an ultra-funny one, or something worthy to show others.”

After Jenny became a nurse, her busy life forced her to take a long break from drawing. She says resuming her artwork recently was one of the best things to happen to her and resulted in the drawings in this gallery.

Jenny has spent more than half her life in Florida, enjoying the beach and Florida nature. On her days off, she enjoys waking up early with her daughter and having breakfast on the beach while watching the sunrise. Her daughter has inherited Jenny’s creative side and is developing her talent in photography.  Jenny also enjoys cooking, which she considers another form of art, and loves watching her family sample her dishes.

Jenny joined the Health Care District of Palm Beach County eight years ago as a certified nursing assistant (CNA) at the Edward J. Healey Rehabilitation and Nursing Center in Riviera Beach, Florida while she was completing nursing school. While providing compassionate nursing care to the Healey Center residents, she took classes and earned her nurse practitioner degree. She is now working on attaining her nurse practitioner license..
