Lakeside Auxiliary honored for service, elects new officers
On December 13th the Lakeside Medical Center Auxiliary was treated to a Holiday Luncheon in their honor followed by a presentation of their Hours-of-Service pins.
Jackie Pitts booked the most hours (788) this past year in the Gift Shop and as Auxiliary Treasurer. Carolyn W. Jones, who can be seen daily in ICU answering phones and greeting guests, booked the most accumulative hours since 2011 (4,139).
Together, these 22 wonderful ladies volunteered over 6,500 hours last year bringing their total since 2011 to just over 40,000 hours.
From left: Jackie Pitts, Treasurer; Diane Wagner, Corresponding Secretary; Mary Frances Burke, 1st Vice President; Glenda Goodson, President; Carolyn W. Jones, 2nd Vice President; Iris Taylor-Meadows, Recording Secretary and Leoda Pelham, Director of Volunteer Services
Besides this phenomenal time commitment, they have given scholarships to deserving employees, purchased New Mom Handbooks for our OB patients as well as Medication Recorder cards for all our patients, and are always standing by with a kind word and a helping hand.
How truly blessed we are to have such dedicated women who give so freely of their time and talent.
During their luncheon and at the annual pinning ceremony, Hospital Administrator Rick Roche thanked the ladies for their commitment to Lakeside, recognizing the value they bring to the hospital.
The following new officers were installed by Terri Calsetta, Director of Patient Satisfaction & Hospital Communications, who acts as the hospital/auxiliary liaison:
- Glenda Goodson, President
- Mary Frances Burke, 1st Vice President
- Carolyn W. Jones, 2nd Vice President
- Jackie Pitts, Treasurer
- Iris Taylor-Meadows, Recording Secretary
- Diane Wagner, Corresponding Secretary
- Leoda Pelham, Director of Volunteer Services
We wish them all a rewarding and successful term of office.
Lakeside Medical Center Auxiliary December 2016