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Brumback Clinics reach out to agricultural community in the Glades

On November 3rd, the C. L. Brumback Primary Care Clinics in Belle Glade partnered with Sugar Cane Growers Cooperative of Florida for an influenza vaccine outreach to agricultural workers in the Glades.

Over the course of two days, staff from the Brumback Clinics’ Belle Glade clinic, including Hayword Morrison RN, Marie Ferdinand, MA and Irma Paniagua, Registration Specialist, provided 83 agricultural workers with the flu vaccine in the fields where they worked.

The event was part of an effort to keep the agricultural community healthy during the season.

Four Brumback Clinic staff stand by the side of a white van with open doors

From left: Irma Paniagua, Registration Specialist, Marie Ferdinand, MA, Milagros (Millie) Rodriguez, Patient and Physician Relations Liaison, Hayword Morrison RN (back row)
