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Robert Dolinsky

"You guys saved my life."

Rob Dolinsky, trauma survivorRobert Dolinsky was celebrating with friends in downtown Delray Beach in September 2013. As he and his friends walked across the intracoastal bridge on Atlantic Avenue, he was struck by a moving pickup truck.  The impact pinned him against a tree and he suffered multiple broken bones, a collapsed lung, internal injuries and internal bleeding.  Robert, a personal injury attorney, was rushed to the Trauma Center at Delray Medical Center.  He says within a short amount of time he received more than 90 blood transfusions and was in a coma for two weeks.

Two years later, Robert attended Delray Medical Center’s Trauma Awareness Day event along with his parents and thanked the skilled trauma staff for helping him beat the odds.  Robert returned to the hospital’s 2017 Trauma Awareness Day event to once again express his appreciation.  “It’s taken me three and a half years, 30 surgeries and thousands of hours of physical therapy to get to the point where I’m fully recovered.  You guys saved my life and in doing so, saved my entire family.”  

