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Kevin Roland

"Somebody was looking out for me."

Kevin Roland, trauma survivorKevin Roland was standing on the sidewalk in west Boca Raton back in 2007 when he was hit by a truck, thrown in the air and slammed head-first onto the concrete.  He was airlifted to Delray Medical Center’s Trauma Center where he underwent three brain surgeries.  As a result, Kevin was in an induced coma for nearly a month. When he woke up, he had lost the vision in his right eye and could not walk or talk.  A decade later, with his mother watching in the audience, Kevin shared his story of recovery with other survivors at the 2017 Trauma Awareness Day event at Delray Medical Center.

“I feel great,” he said. He thanked the dedicated professionals with the Palm Beach County Trauma System, including the Health Care District of Palm Beach County. “Somebody was looking out for me,” Kevin said. “I’m very grateful and I have a new outlook on life.”  
