Our hospital is a “No Smoking” zone. There is no smoking or vaping in (or near) our hospital.
Do you need help to quit smoking?
Quitting is good for your health. It helps your family too! Lakeside wants to help you. We have classes for employees, patients, and community members.
Our classes include:
Free six-week "Quit Smoking NOW" classes in English and Spanish, taught by a professional trainer
Counseling to help you reach your goal of becoming tobacco free
Free nicotine replacement therapies (such as gum, patches and lozenges)
We can help you to quit using tobacco.
For more information on our tobacco
cessation programs, call 1-877-819-2357.
Register Now:
FREE classes are available at Lakeside Medical Center. For more information, call us toll-free at: (877) 819-2357.
Lakeside Medical Center thanks the Florida Department of Health, the Lake Okeechobee Rural Health Network (LORHN) and the Everglades Area Health Education Center for their support of this program.