Lakeside’s three-year Family Medicine program centers on an unopposed training environment. Residents care for patients of all ages in a rural hospital and adjoining Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC). Several rotations are completed outside of the Glades, though frequently still within the Health Care District’s network of FQHCs. The curriculum is divided into one-month rotations, but residents’ learning also grows from continuity training experiences, whether those are explicitly designed or incidental to working with the same population for three years. The following represents the explicit year-by-year curriculum.
Three-Year Curriculum
Residents in their intern year are heavily engaged with hospital-based care for their patients. This both acts as a crucible to sharpen their acute-care skills and provides a location in which residents build relationships with many patients. A month of the first year is explicitly dedicated to outpatient family medicine, but even the most intense rotations include at least a half-day per week providing continuity care in the Belle Glade office.
Three-Year Curriculum PGY 1
Rotation |
Duration |
Family Medicine Residency Service (FMRS - FM Inpatient) |
4 Months |
FM Practice Management (Continuity Clinic) |
1 Month |
Emergency Services |
1 Month |
Pediatric Inpatient |
1 Month |
Pediatric Outpatient |
1 Month |
Geriatrics |
1 Month |
Women's Health Center (OB Outpatient) |
2 Months |
Elective |
1 Month |
The second year adds some additional flexibility as well as 2 months of dedicated musculoskeletal medicine.
Three-Year Curriculum PGY 2
Rotation |
Duration |
Family Medicine Residency Service (FMRS - FM Inpatient) |
2 Months |
FM Practice Management (Continuity Clinic) |
1 Month |
Pediatric Outpatient |
1 Month |
Women's Health Center (OB Outpatient) |
1 Month |
Newborn |
1 Month |
1 Month |
Labor and Delivery |
1 Month |
Pain Management |
1 Month |
Elective |
2 Months |
While third-year residents maintain a presence in the hospital, their last year of training focuses on increasing their outpatient skills to allow them to graduate prepared for a busy, efficient practice.
Three-Year Curriculum PGY 3
Rotation |
Duration |
Family Medicine Residency Service (FMRS - FM Inpatient) |
2 Months |
FM Practice Management (Continuity Clinic) |
3 Months |
1 Month |
Specialty |
1 Month |
Psychiatry |
1 Month |
Cardiology |
1 Month |
Elective |
3 Months |
Longitudinal Curricula
Longitudinal experiences include both the residents’ integrated continuity clinic and behavioral health experiences and developing longitudinal experiences in Community Medicine and Advocacy, Practice Management and Population Health, and Health System Leadership and Quality Improvement.
Three-Year Curriculum Longitudinal Curricula
Continuity Clinic |
During each month of their three years, residents see their own patients in the C. L. Brumback Primary Care Clinic in Belle Glade. The number of sessions varies depending on the rotation. |
Integrated Behavioral Health |
The care we provide in Federally-Qualified Health Centers involves integrated Behavioral Health. Residents manage their patients’ needs directly and in collaboration with our BH team. |
Community and Advocacy |
Community Medicine training extends beyond a single month rotation, with longitudinal experiences that tap into the Glades’ long history of leadership and community service. |
Practice and Population Management |
Residents build their own panel of patients in the office and are expected to work with the office team to improve outcomes for those patients over time. |
Health System Leadership and Quality |
Residents have extraordinary access to leaders of Lakeside Medical Center and the Health Care District and are encouraged to solve problems they see at a local and systemic level. |
Other Curricular Activities
In addition to each of the discrete longitudinal curricula, there are many topics and educational experiences which, though valuable for residents, may not fit easily into a particular rotation or content area. Support materials for these topics and experiences are organized and tracked for residents to allow them to pursue them during otherwise un-assigned periods of their rotations.
Didactic Curriculum
All residents enjoy protected didactic time every Wednesday afternoon from 1 PM to 5 PM. While didactics at Lakeside do include traditional lectures, a substantial portion of each month’s material is covered in hands-on and interactive sessions, including simulations and procedure workshops as well as wellness sessions designed to give residents a break from the hard work of medical practice and learning.
The material covered includes Family Medicine’s core curricular elements as well as topics of interest to the residents, and, while learning is almost always improved by in-person participation, those residents who are working at a distance from campus are able to participate virtually when needed.
Other Curricular Activities Didactic Curriculum
Core Topics |
Family Medicine Didactics include lectures, workshops and simulations from the full breadth of the specialty, reviewing concepts in Cardiology, Hematology, Pulmonology, Pediatrics, Obstetrics, Orthopedics and many others. |
Simulations and Workshops |
Kinesthetic engagement almost always improves learning, so Didactic programming aims to include a minimum of 3 hours of hands-on work each month, often focusing on simulations and procedure workshops. |
Evidence-Based Medicine |
The program includes periodic journal clubs as well as short, targeted discussions of QI tools and essential research topics. Our residents also present periodically on their projects, with the assistance of our post-doc research fellow. |
Data Review Sessions |
Short EKG, Radiology and other Test-Result Review sessions highlight enlightening de-identified test results Residents and Faculty have received that demonstrate key concepts (either about the conditions they reveal or about the tests themselves). |
Musculoskeletal and Sports Medicine |
One of many Core Topics, Musculoskeletal concerns are ubiquitous enough to deserve special attention. Didactics include a series of lectures to cover diagnosis and management of all major conditions as well as procedural skills useful in their treatment. |
Osteopathic Medicine |
With a past accreditation with the AOA, Lakeside is committed to maintaining our engagement with Osteopathic training and care. OMM sessions throughout the year review key concepts and hands-on skills. |
On Call Schedule
Residents take limited off-hours call in the hospital, staffing the hospital service in a two-resident team for 12-hour shifts on Thursday nights and Saturday days and for a 24-hour shift on Sundays. These calls are distributed evenly between residents during their time in residency, with first-year residents taking an average of three calls per month, second-year residents taking an average of two calls per month and third-year residents taking an average of one call per month, allowing more focus on ambulatory care. The residency does not have night-float.
Third-year residents also choose three weeks of the year to provide after-hours call coverage from home for all of the C. L. Brumback Primary Care Clinics, the network of Federally Qualified Health Centers operated by the Health Care District of Palm Beach County.
Residents may exchange call days with each other if desired, but are not permitted to average more than 80 work-hours per week or less than one day off per week in any one-month period.
Residency Benefits
- Residency Year 1 - $61,140
- Residency Year 2 - $63,870
- Residency Year 3 - $66,599
All meals are provided while in the hospital, seven days a week. Residents can choose from the quiet, private Doctor's Dining room or a traditional cafeteria and general dining environment.
Life, health and professional liability insurance are provided based on the benefits of all other Health Care District Employees.
Residents are given 20 PTO days and 5 Administrative Days per Academic Year.
Educational Books, Software, and Technology
Residents receive a $3000 stipend annually to cover approved Educational Books, Conferences, and Boards. $700 of this stipend is to be used towards the purchase of a medical PDA once throughout the 3-year term of residency.